
Command List

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Premium Benefits

  • Get more results
  • Access early commands
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  • No search limit
  • URL search access

Diamond Benefits

  • Get Intelligence X results
  • 10 seconds cooldown

Premium Commands

Exclusive commands for premium users

.redeem <key>Claim the Premium key
.url <url>Search for a URL

Booster Commands

Special commands for server boosters

/check <discordid>Check if the account is compromised

Snusbase Commands

Search through 15 billion records

.snus user <username>Search for a username through 15 billion records
.snus email <email>Search for an email through 15 billion records
.snus ip <ip>Search for an IP address through 15 billion records
.snus password <password>Search for a password through 15 billion records

Data Search Commands

Search through various data sources

.breach <username/email/Discord ID/ip>Search with the newest data
.search <username/email/Password>Search through fresh logs

Roblox Commands

Roblox account information

/find <discordid>Get linked Roblox account
/userinfo <roblox_username>Get details about a Roblox account

IntelligenceX Commands

Search through Intelligence X database

.intelx <id>Search the ID in Intelligence X (currently unavailable)
.intelxfree <id>Search the ID in scrapped Intelligence X
.Dclaim <key>Claim the Diamond key (currently unavailable)

OSINT Commands

Open Source Intelligence tools

/ip <ip>Get ISP, WiFi provider, and location
.whois <id>Lookup a Discord ID
.holehe <email>See on what site the email is registered
.lookup <email>Get information about an email

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